Lightning Phenomena & Transmission Network Transients.
A joint technical Webinar organised by the NGN sections of the United Kingdom and Austria
The Next Generation Network (NGN) seeks to facilitate a successful transition into the power systems industry for early-career professionals and students by providing technical resources and networking opportunities for personal and technical development. Two subject matter experts will present current research activities in the fields of lightning research and voltage transients in transmission networks.
Date and Time: 12th November 2020 | 14:00 – 15:30 (BST) | 15:00 – 16:30 (CEST), Platform: Zoom
14:00 – 14:05 (BST) Opening
14:05 – 14:25 Introduction of CIGRE NGN AT & UK 14:25 – 14:55 Speech I by Lukas Schwalt
14:55 – 15:25 Speech II by Diptargha Chakravorty 15:25 – 15:30 Closing
Lightning Phenomena in the Alpine Region of Austria – Lukas Schwalt
In the first part of this presentation, an introduction about thunderstorm formation and lightning physics will be given and secondly the key findings of Dr. Schwalt’s PhD thesis “Lightning Phenomena in the Alpine Region of Austria” will be presented. The motivation for the PhD thesis was to gather lightning ground truth data for Austria out of on-site measurements, because this area shows high lightning activity. For this purpose, real processes of cloud-to-ground flashes were recorded with a high-speed video camera and an electric field measurement system. Analyses of this exclusive data set provide insights about lightning characteristics in general and for the alpine region in particular.
Effect of Network Parameters on the Transient Over-Voltage Phenomenon During System Restoration – Diptargha Chakravorty
System restoration is currently a transmission-led approach of starting large conventional generators with self-start capability and energising a skeleton network. Increasingly, transmission connected fossil-fuelled generators are decommissioned around the world to meet the emissions targets. This makes it imperative to explore the possibility of using distribution connected DERs to support the whole system restoration. However, energisation of network elements such as circuits and transformers pose significant challenges such as switching transients, Temporary Over Voltage (TOV) etc which can reduce the available options to restore a network and lead to a higher number of circuit breaker switching to avoid damaging equipment. This presentation will discuss the impact of different network parameters such as the strength of the system, saturation characteristic of transformers etc on the TOV and ways to manage it during restoration.
Lukas Schwalt is a CIGRE NGN AT member and he is a Post-Doc researcher at Graz University of Technology, Institute of High Voltage Engineering and Systems Performance. After completing his master in Electrical Engineering at Vienna University of Technology, he successfully defended his PhD thesis “Lightning Phenomena in the Alpine Region of Austria” at Graz University of Technology in 2019. His main areas of research include cloud-to-ground lightning, measurements of lightning discharges, performance of lightning detection systems, lightning protection concepts and transient voltages on power lines. He is also involved in the Austrian Association for Electrical Engineering in the field of lightning protection, CIGRE B2 and C4 and served as the technical secretary for „CIGRE International Colloquium on Lightning and Power Systems ICLPS 2019” in Delft, Netherlands. He was awarded the “Young Scientist Award” at the International Conference of Lightning Protection ICLP in 2018.
Dr Diptargha Chakravorty is a Senior Consultant with TNEI Services. He is an electrical engineer with over 8 years of experience in the power industry, including a 4-year PhD on the impact of demand response on system stability from Imperial College London. He specialises in modelling and analysis of transmission and distribution networks and automation of system studies. His core expertise includes stability analysis, grid integration of renewable energy and power electronics converter control. He is currently the vice-chair of the Cigre UK NGN steering committee.