Collaboration in the North Sea Powerhouse (Part 1)
Online Webinar Presentations & Video | Wednesday 6th April 2023 | 12:00 – 16:00 BST
With the signing of the Esjberg declaration in May 2022 by Belgium, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands collaboration in the North Sea has become reality. A joint target has been set to deliver at least 65 GW offshore wind power by 2030 and to increase capacity to at least 150 GW by 2050. With this great ambition they will be able to deliver half of the green offshore wind power required by the EU in 2050 in order to reach the objective of climate neutrality.
Last week the first webinar in the Collaboration in the North Sea Powerhouse was held looking at Grid integration and environmental impact. Special thanks go to the speakers from Arcadis, DNV, Gasunie, Renewables Grid Initiative, TenneT TSO for their contributions.
You can check the presentations by clicking here and replay the webinar by clicking here.
The sequence will be continued with the event on Regulatory challenges and opportunities in North Sea Powerhouse, organized by the CIGRE UK on the 7th of June. Germany will close this sequence on the 10th of October by discussing energy security.
- Often, the success of projects is measured in terms of timely delivery, within budget and according to the required quality. For TenneT, the safe and sustainable development of our offshore grid projects is an equally important driver for success. They aim to develop, build and operate the offshore grid in Germany and The Netherlands, safely and sustainable, and against lowest cost for society.
- Our keynote speaker, Saskia Jaarsma, Head of Offshore Development TenneT, will explain the corporate sustainability ambitions, and translation into sustainability criteria for offshore grid projects considering People, Planet and Profit.
- Cristina Simioli, Programme Manager Offshore Energy and Nature at Renewables Grid Initiative at Ocean will take over and focus on how the “Offshore Coalition for Energy and Nature” (OCEaN) collaborate with NGOs, TSOs and wind industry to find solutions to accelerate the deployment of offshore wind energy and grid infrastructure while ensuring alignment with nature protection and healthy marine ecosystems.
- Marieke Dirks, Program Manager Offshore Netherlands at TenneT TSO and Werna Udding, Manager Business Development Hydrogen at Gasunie will lead us through the future developments of the North Sea grid infrastructure in the period 2030-2050, seen from both the perspective of a transmission system operator as well as from the perspective of a hydrogen network operator.
- We need nothing less than an immediate coordinated global effort to stave off the worst impacts of climate change. The agile development in the wind industry has resulted in greater and bigger turbines, F-gas free GIS and Eco transformers. Ann-Sofie Bonde Mortensen, Global Sales in Wind OEM at Siemens Energy will show that we are on the right path.
- With many GWs of offshore power already deployed in the North Sea, and many more to come, offshore wind is increased gaining a central and critical role in the energy supply of Europe. An offshore grid based on HVDC links connected in a meshed fashion is the natural next step to improve integration in the grid, optimized use of the wind resource, and increased availability. Technology readiness of the most critical system components has been proven to a large extent, showing that HVDC grids are no longer a futuristic solution. Ambra Sannino, Head Power System Planning Northern Europe, DNV will discuss the status of meshed HVDC grids as the next step in the roadmap for offshore wind development.
- Julia Peerenboom, Policy Advisor Energy System Outlook at TenneT will give you some insight in how energy transition scenarios are created. It takes you past main results, interesting assumptions and challenges.
- Claudia Grotz, Head of Government Affairs Europe at Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy will provide an overview on current targets for offshore wind in the North Sea, as well as the challenges – with regard to timely planning and industrial prerequisites for the expansion.