CIGRE UK Technical Webinar – 8th December

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  • 6th December 2021
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The Role of the Power Sector on the Path to Global Carbon Neutrality by 2050

An Online Technical Webinar

Wednesday 8th December 2021 | 12.30 to 13:30


IEA Analysis shows that the power sector will need to be the first to decarbonise in order to achieve economy-wide net zero by 2050. As part of this transition, electrification and energy security will become increasingly interlinked, all while maintaining affordability. The presentation will cover issues like flexibility, market design, sector integration and new approaches to ensure stability, which will be key to ensure a successful transition.

To Register for this event

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Speaker Profile

Gutierrez-PhotoEnrique Gutierrez is an Energy Analyst at the International Energy Agency Renewable Integration and Secure Electricity Unit. Over the last four years he has worked on a range of projects, coordinating the Clean Energy Ministerial’s Power System Flexibility Campaign, as well as joint projects with France and Korea looking at long term scenarios for flexibility and decarbonisation of the power system. Prior to joining the IEA he has worked in Germany, Mexico and the UK on topics like power market regulation and the deployment of distributed energy resources. He holds an MSc in Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment from University College London.


This Webinar series is kindly sponsored by Burns & McDonnell
