The CIGRE UK NGN Young Member presentation competition provides an opportunity for early career electrical engineers to showcase their work to the wider CIGRE community. A panel of senior CIGRE members will judge which participants will be put forward to present at the 2022 CIGRE Session.
Delegates will gain insight into the exciting projects that the next generation of electrical engineers are working on and will have the opportunity to ask questions during the Q&A to find out more. As a delegate, you may also learn a thing or two about what makes presentations engaging and how to best adapt to the online format. So come along and show your support!
10:00 Greeting and introductions
10:10 The Investigation of Conduction Current Characteristics of Segmented PU Elastomers – Tian Tan
10:30 Modified ON-OFF Control for Very High Frequency Class E DC-DC Converter with Efficiency Improvement – Ying Li
10:50 10 minute interval
11:00 Bubble Formation in Power Transformers – a Potential Risk for the Future Network Reliability – Christian Pößniker
11:20 Enhancing the Green Hydrogen Business Case – Angeliki Loukatou
11:40 10-minute interval
11:50 Announcement of final nominations (up to 4 candidates)
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Christian Pößniker
Bubble Formation in Power Transformers – a Potential Risk for the Future Network Reliability
UK’s ambitious net-zero targets have led to the integration of low carbon renewable energy technologies and electrification in many sectors, which could result in rapid load fluctuations and overloading conditions in transformers. This could increase the potential risk of failure through bubble formation. Currently available studies about bubble formation in transformers show a wide variation of the results due to various test setups and measurement techniques, which hinders the agreement on a universal method to evaluate the risk. Therefore, a test setup and procedure has been developed and verified to study the bubble formation in transformer insulation systems and the impact of various conditions. Initial tests have shown the suitability of the developed test system and procedure to perform a coherent study.
Christian is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree within the Centre for Smart Grid at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom. He received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the Technical University of Munich, Germany, in 2015 and 2019 and the B.Eng. (Hons) and M.Eng. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Queensland, Australia, in 2017. He has previously worked as a certified electronics technician after receiving a craftsman apprenticeship in Germany in 2010. His research interests include aging transformer insulation systems and overloading constraints.
Angeliki Loukatou
Enhancing the Green Hydrogen Business Case
As we move towards a Net-Zero future, the optimum balance between low carbon energy sources and flexible technologies (e.g. energy storage and demand side response) in the UK energy system becomes of crucial importance for a cost-effective transition. For instance, excess low carbon generation can facilitate the decarbonisation of the transport and/or heat sectors by using hydrogen as an energy carrier. In the present presentation, two business cases are examined aiming at facilitating the decarbonization of energy-intensive sectors through the deployment of green hydrogen, i.e. hydrogen produced by low carbon power sources. Specifically, the business cases considered are: onshore wind farms co-located with electrolyser(s), and a more comprehensive case with the addition of a battery energy storage unit. Results are presented and discussed for different hydrogen prices.
Angeliki joined EDF R&D UK Centre in June 2020 as a Senior Research Engineer. She specialises in optimal valuation of energy storage co-located with renewables and long-term electricity price forecasting. She also helps the Wholesale Market Optimisation team regarding workflow automation of their forecasting tools. Her previous role as a Modelling Analyst at Energy Systems Catapult involved projects in energy storage, power system economics and second-life batteries. She also holds a PhD in battery storage, which was completed in the Centre for Doctoral Training in Power Networks of The University of Manchester (UoM). Angeliki has a strong interest and appreciation of inclusion and diversity matters, aiming at promoting and sustaining women in energy across the power sector. Currently, she is the vice-chair of the IEEE PES UK&I Women in Power, the project manager of CIGRE Women Network, the digital lead of EDF Women’s Network and she also serves as a data science instructor at SisterAnalyst, since she is also interested in good coding and data practices.
Ying Li
Modified ON-OFF Control for Very High Frequency Class E DC-DC Converter with Efficiency Improvement
Very high frequency (VHF, 30 MHz-300 MHz) Class E dc-dc converter is widely used in low power conversion applications, in which constant switching frequency (CSF) ON-OFF control is usually adopted to regulate the output with the advantages of simple implementation and full-load-range ZVS realization. However, it is found that the conversion efficiency greatly reduces with the rise of input voltage in CSF ON-OFF control. In this paper, two modified control schemes are proposed to improve the conversion efficiency of VHF Class E dc-dc converter at high input voltage range and over the entire load range, respectively. The proposed control schemes are free of extra hardware cost and can be implemented easily. Experimental results are shown to validate the effectiveness of the two modified control schemes.
Ying received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), Nanjing, China, in 2014 and 2020, respectively. Since 2021, she is a research fellow with the Power Electronics, Machines and Control Group (PEMC), University of Nottingham, Nottingham, U.K. Her research interests include very high frequency resonant dc-dc conversion and GaN power conversion system.
Tian Tan
The Investigation of Conduction Current Characteristics of Segmented PU Elastomers
Polyurethane elastomer (PU) is one of the most promising polymers to develop into a novel and smart dielectric in high voltage insulations due to its unique shape memory effect and tailorable characteristics. In the study, the DC conductivity of the 50% hard segment content PU is investigated by measuring the charging and discharging behavior. And the microphase separation structure between hard and soft domains is evaluated by a detailed analysis of deconvolution FTIR in the stretching carbonyl region. The microphase separation structure of PU is a significant reason of interface polarization, leading to an increase in its transient current, which is different from the continuous decay trend of transient currents in most other polymer dielectrics.
Tian born in 1996; PhD student of University of Strathclyde; B.Sc and M. Sc of North China Electrical Power University
Dr Yue Zhou is a Lecturer in Cyber Physical Systems in the Centre for Integrated Renewable Energy Generation and Supply (CIREGS) of the School of Engineering of Cardiff University, Wales, UK. His research interests include demand side response, peer-to-peer energy trading and cyber physical systems. He is the Chair of CIGRE UK NGN Committee. He is a Managing Editor of Applied Energy, Associate Editor of IET Renewable Power Generation, IET Energy Systems Integration and Frontiers in Energy Research.
Dr. Jianing Li is an Assistant Professor in the Smart Energy Systems at the University of Birmingham. His research interests include electricity market modelling, energy policies, smart grid, distributed energy systems, internet of things and machine learning technology. He is currently the vice-chair of CIGRE UK NGN. He is a member of CIGRE working group B5.72. He is also the chair of IEEE UK and Ireland Power and Energy Society Chapter.
Prem Ranjan obtained the B. Tech. degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from NIT Calicut, India in 2015 and the integrated MS, PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from IIT Madras, Chennai, India in 2019. He worked as an exchange researcher at Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan for 4 months during 2016 and 2017. He is working as a postdoc researcher at High Voltage Lab, The University of Manchester, UK, since Nov. 2019. His research interests are focused on sustainable applications of high voltage engineering including exploding wire, gas insulation (SF6 alternatives), arc-tracking in more electric aircraft and condition monitoring of power apparatus.
Jingyi Wan is a product engineer for cable systems at Vattenfall. Technical expertise is on offshore and onshore Cable Systems for both HVDC and HVAC Export Cable Systems, including design, manufacture, installation and commissioning. Technical advisory at various stages of projects. Before that, she worked as a consultant for Mott MacDonald and Arcadis. Before that, she worked as a product development engineer for JDR cable systems, a cable manufacturer. Worked with a team to qualify and supply the subsea array cables. She is the UK Representative of CIGRE NGN International Executive Committee, also a young expert member of CIGRE working groups on B1 insulated cable.