CIGRE UK NGN Mentoring Scheme- Relaunch

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  • 2nd August 2022
NGN Mentoring Scheme
Are you:
  • A young professional working in the energy industry?
  • Hoping to accelerate your career development?
  • Open to broadening your professional network?
  • Looking to gain another perspective?
Then join the CIGRE UK NGN Mentoring Scheme
Following the success of the mentoring scheme launched last year, the CIGRE UK NGN committee are pleased to open up the scheme for new entrants. The scheme pairs you with a senior CIGRE member willing to share advice and career insights, helping you further develop a career roadmap, and expand your professional network.
Your mentor will also be able to help you get involved in CIGRE, for example by guiding you to opportunities to get involved in working groups and other professional development events. The mentoring relationship is completely confidential, and it is driven entirely by you and your mentor.
There are a limited number of mentors available, so if you would like to get involved, be sure to register your interest now through the following form:
The form will close on 2nd September 2022.