SP Energy Networks have been conducting a uniquely innovation project, LV Engine, using power electronic technologies within secondary substations to deliver different functionalities which are key for transition to Net Zero.
This project is part of the overall strategy for SPEN to take on the international leadership on power electronic application into distribution networks. LV Engine solution can turn our passive substations to smart energy hubs where power flow can be intelligently shared between LV AC and LV DC networks. The solution is first of its kind designed, manufactured and tested for application in the public networks. The presentation covered the following topics:-
- Distribution Network issues and drivers for innovative solutions
- Introduction of LV Engine and its objectives
- Technical learnings, designs and manufacturing
- Test results and performance
- Next step
This presentation was part of series knowledge sharing across industry and will be followed up in a later stage with in person workshops and project site visits. To download the presentation, click on the link below or view the video of the webinar.
LV Engine: Hybrid AC-DC Networks
Prof James Yu
James is a charted engineer and an elected Fellow at IET (Institute of Engineering and Technology) and Royal Society of Edinburgh. He is the regular UK member for International Large Electrical Network Congress (CIGRE) and convenor of a joint CIGRE Medium Voltage DC Distribution Working Group.James is accountable for the innovation strategy and projects delivery as Head of Innovation at SP Energy Networks. He and his team are working on various innovation projects and pushing the innovation into business. James has been the principle investigators for several flagship innovation projects at the UK and EU level to facilitate the low carbon transition for the electricity sector, including DC converting; wide area monitoring and control; energy system digital twin.
Dr Ali Kazerooni
Ali is a chartered engineer currently supporting SP Energy Networks, Future Networks team, as technical lead and project manager for complex projects. He previously was power systems team lead with WSP where he led several innovation projects with UK Distribution Network Operators. Ali has been focusing on developments and applications of power electronic solutions and their control systems for grid applications. That includes the concept development and initial feasibility studies to implementation and live demonstrations. He received his PhD from University of Manchester and has been author and co-author of several technical papers presented in international conferences and peer-reviewed journals.