CIGRE UK Monthly Technical Webinar | Wednesday 11th December 2024 | 12:30-13:30

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  • 30th November 2024
December Webinar


About this Technical Webinar:

Synopsis | T&D equipment using SF6 as insulation gas is used since the 1960ies (HV) or 1980ies (MV). Due to the advantages of the technology, it has been used until today in high quantities. The amount of banked SF6 is very high. More and more equipment will reach the end-of-life now or soon. Especially in MV the experience how to do this most effective and avoiding emissions are low. Doing it the same way as with HV products might not be ideal.

The brochure gives information about possible ways of recovering SF6 in different types of equipment and how the work can be prepared and planned. Different possibilities are shown, and guidelines are given to select the best matching solution, including the choice who should do the work and where the recovery is done best.

Definitions, flow-charts and checklists are guiding the owner through the planning process and the execution. Detailed information about required equipment and work steps are given, interesting also for recycling companies to prepare for a growing business.

For every step safety and avoiding SF6-emissions is in the main focus, but also a cost-effective solution is important to promote responsible end-of-life treatment also for less experienced equipment owners.

Presenter: Maik Hyrenbach

Maik 2024

Since 1996 working at ABB in Germany in the design of SF6 and later SF6-free gas insulated switchgears for MV primary distribution. Global expert as corporate executive engineer in switchgear design including gas and gas handling for different insulation gases. Active in CIGRE, CIRED, T&D Europe and IEC for switchgear and also material compliance, life cycle assessment and environmental topics. Active at German ZVEI and CIGRE regarding EoL of T&D equipment.

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