NGN Events
CIGRE NGN Visit to Boskalis’ Cable Barge, Vlissingen, Netherlands
On Thursday 3rd May 2018 a group of 14 Cigre-UK NGN members travelled to the Netherlands for a unique opportunity to visit Boskalis’ Giant 7 cable barge. The day started with…
CIGRE Paris Session 2018 Young Member (YM) Showcase
On Tuesday 20th February the Young Member (YM) Showcase competition was held at Manchester University to select 4 candidates to be put forward to the international round of the competition. The…
10 Years of NGN Evening Event
In October 2017 we celebrated 10 years since CIGRE’s first Next Generation Network was set up here in the UK. The event was kindly hosted by Siemens UK in Manchester…
CIGRE UK NGN Hunterston B Power Station Event
On 28 June 2017, the CIGRE UK NGN had a successful event at the Hunterston B Power Station. Our guest speakers Colin Foote and Alan Davenport from Scottish Power Energy…