On Tuesday 10th Sep 2019, the CIGRE UK NGN hosted an event in Glasgow. The whole day event was composed of a series of technical presentations, from both industry and academia, followed by a visit to the Neilston substation.
Professor Campbell Booth, Head of the EEE Department at the University of Strathclyde opened the session. The first talk was an introduction of CIGRE delivered by Jingyi Wan, the CIGRE UK NGN Secretary and Treasurer. Followed by Dr Min Zhang from the University of Strathclyde, on how superconductors offer new solutions for the modern grid and a feasibility study of superconducting cables in the UK distribution network.
Dr Diptargha Chakravorty from TNEI presented his work on the Electric Spring, a controllable load for voltage and frequency regulation – jointly developed by Imperial and Hong Kong university.
Next, Mr Marcel Nedd from the University of Strathclyde introduced Frequency Containment, Electricity System Operator’s concepts for new dynamic frequency response service and how these services could affect the penetration limits of non-synchronous power infeed in GB.
Finally, Mr Antony Cooke from South Humber Bank Power Station presented what is a Combined Cycle Gas Turbines (CCGT), how synchronous generators respond to frequency excursions and how a CCGT’s control concept could be modified to provide faster response to frequency.
The afternoon session started with an overview of Phoenix project by Mr Craig Hume from Scottish Power Energy Networks followed by a visit to the Neilston substation. The Phoenix project explores the option of combining two technologies; Synchronous Condensers and Static Compensators to develop a hybrid solution.