Presentation Abstracts:
Transient Stability Enhancement of Large-Scale Power Systems Using Maximum Energy Balance Control.
Prof. Wu’s presentation is concerned with the nonlinear adaptive control of a large-scale power system. Its design is based on state and perturbation observers and does not need accurate system model, requires only measurement of output variables, and does not ignore any system nonlinearity, parameters uncertainty and external disturbances; Prof. Wu proposes a maximum energy balance control which accelerates the rebalance of power generation and consumption during the post-fault stage, and enhances the transient stability of power systems by a great level. This strategy can be used for coordinated control of more devices, such as synchronous generator, wind power generators and energy storages, which leads to a new generation of distributed stability control framework, challenging the conventional transient stability control of power systems.
Integrating large scale Renewable Energy: Challenges and Opportunities.
Power system, as a premium energy platform, stands at the forefront of energy decabonisation and low carbon transition, which over the past decade has seen rapid growth in renewable energy development, such as wind, solar PV, etc., as well as development and adoption of cutting age enabling technologies. This presentation reviews key challenges power system faces to transit from currently a fossil fuel dominated system to one dominated by renewable generation with zero emissions. It will also explore opportunities for new technologies and business models that would be developed during this exciting energy transition process.
To attend the webinar click on the Zoom link below before the scheduled start
- Welcome and Introduction of CIGRE UK activities by Prof. Jun Liang, Cardiff University, UK (10’)
- Introduction of IEEE UK and Ireland Power Electronics Chapter, by IEEE UK&I PELS Chapter (Vice-)Chair. (5’)
- Presentation One: “Transient stability enhancement of large-scale power systems using maximum energy balance control” by Prof. Wu, South China University of Technology, China. (45’)
- Presentation Two: “Integrating large scale renewable energy: challenges and opportunities” by Prof. Zeng, Hangzhou Dianzi University, China (30’)
- Discussion (20’)
Professor Henry Wu obtained a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from The Queen’s University of Belfast, Belfast, U.K. in 1987. Then, he worked as a Research Fellow and subsequently a Senior Research Fellow in Queen’s University of Belfast from 1987 to 1991. He was appointed Lecturer and subsequently Senior Lecturer in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Loughborough University, Loughborough, U.K. in 1991. In 1995, he joined The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, U.K. to take up his appointment to the Chair of Electrical Engineering in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics. In 2012, he joined South China University of Technology, China, as a Distinguished Professor and the Director of Energy Research Institute, and meanwhile he is also the Honorary Professor of The University of Liverpool. Prof. Wu is the Life Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of IET, Fellow of CSEE and Fellow of AAIA. His research interests include nonlinear adaptive control, mathematical morphology, evolutionary computation, energy systems, artificial intelligence and power system control and operation. He has authored or coauthored more than 700 technical publications, including 370 journal articles, 20 book chapters, and 4 research monographs published by Springer.
Dr. (Peter) Pingliang Zeng is a professor at Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, and a National Special Expert. He is a Chartered Engineer (CEng), Fellow of the IET, senior member of IEEE, and a member of IEC TC122 and TC8. He obtained his bachelor and PhD degrees, both in Electrical Engineering, respectively from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, in1984, and Strathclyde University, UK, in 1990. Upon attaining doctorate degree, he joined National Grid Company (NGC), UK, where he held a number of important positions including System Operator Incentives and Strategy Manager, and Network Design Manager (South). He joined China Electric Power Research Institute as the Chief Expert in Power System Analysis and Planning in 2012 and Hangzhou Dianzi University in 2017 as a professor in power systems. Since 2012, he led a research team undertaking a number of key projects including National High Technology Development (“863” Plan), National Natural Science Foundation, SGCC special projects, and key Sino-UK joint research projects funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China. He has published two books and over 100 academic papers. His current research interest includes power system planning under uncertainty, system operations, renewable energy integration, electric vehicle and energy storage, and multi-energy systems.