About this Technical Webinar:
Different to other HV electrical plant, transformers are bespoke pieces of equipment specifically designed to meet the customer requirements. Consequently, the correct and clear specification of these requirements is critical to ensure the adequacy of the transformer for the network and substation location is intended to be installed at, and reduce the potential risks of failure or misperformance either during final factory testing or in service. Specification of requirements can sometimes be complex specially where the required duty or functional performance departs from previous established practice. This may include new applications (i.e. different loading cycles due to changes in the demand/supply patterns, noise considerations in substations now embedded within urban areas…) or situations where previous requirements may have proven not to be adequate over time (i.e. painting systems not providing enough durability for the installation environment).
Another characteristic aspect of transformers relates to the skill-dependency of its manufacturing process. Although attempts have been made to automate certain parts of the manufacturing process, it is today a very manual operation which in a great percentage relies on the skills and expertise of the individuals involved. Adequate systems shall be in place to ensure clear working instructions are available and adequate quality controls are in place. This is one of the reasons why supplier selection is critical in the area of transformers as an essential part of the procurement process to mitigate the associated risks. It is however not the only reason as other areas of competence and capability (i.e. design methods and tools, sub-supplier selection and management, testing equipment and certification…) are equally important to ensure a uneventful project execution.
In the current time of increased transformer demand worldwide as part of facilitating the energy transition, it is relevant to reflect on these aspects as new applications / requirements may need to be introduced and new suppliers may enter new markets with different requirements. This webinar intends to discuss and provide a view on these areas, which are covered in the wider topic of transformer procurement in the CIGRE A2 Green book on Transformer and Reactor Procurement published in September 2022.
To download the presentation click on this link: The importance of transformer specification and supplier selection in managing equipment, network and project delivery risks
Presenter: Jose Quintana
Jose obtained his degree in Industrial Engineering at the University of Zaragoza (Spain) in 2011 to then continue his studies with two MSc, first in Renewable energy and energy efficiency at the University of Zaragoza and second in Global Energy Management at Strathclyde Business School. He joined SP Energy Networks in 2013 as a graduate engineer, joining the Substation Standards team on completion of his initial training. He is currently the Lead Transformer Engineer in SP Energy Networks with responsibilities over technical specifications, supplier qualifications, equipment assessment, quality assurance and technical support for distribution and power transformers and reactors. He currently holds the position of CIGRE A2 Technical panel secretary, is a member of WG A2.60, and also participates in several IEC 60076 series maintenance groups.