About this Event
The purpose of the meeting is to provide a high-level overview of the ongoing activities in CIGRE related to Study Committees C1 (Power Systems Development & Economics) led by UK Regular Member Charlotte Higgins. Technical Brochures published in the last year will be highlighted, along with a status update on all of the active Working Groups where the UK has an interest. You will also hear about the latest new work items approved by the Study Committees during the Paris e-session, and to provide feedback on possible future work items that could be proposed in the future.
Joining the meeting
Simply register from via the link below and you will be sent an email confirmation that will include the details of the CISCO WebEx login. Please keep this safe as you will need this on the day of the meeting.
C1 Study Committee Mission, Technology & Scope
To facilitate and promote the progress of engineering and the international exchange of information and knowledge in the field of system development and economics. To add value to this information and knowledge by means of synthesizing state-of-the-art practices and developing recommendations.
The scope of Study Committee C1 is to study Economics and system analysis methods for the development of power systems: methods and tools for steady state and dynamic analysis, planning issues and methods in various contexts, asset management strategies, in order to support electricity system planners worldwide to anticipate and successfully manage system changes to address the arising needs, opportunities and uncertainties while respecting multiple constraints.
Areas of attention include:-
System planning
- Utilization of methods and tools for power system steady state and dynamic analysis in system planning and economic analyses.
- Planning predicaments and methods in competitive and regulatory structures and with stakeholder involvement for public acceptance. Progress and new approaches in application of power system planning criteria and reliability (security, adequacy, resilience) assessment.
- Capacity enhancement by use of risk-based security assessment and advanced information, communication and power-electronics technology for improving system stability and dynamic performance.
- Future dependence, requirements and economy of ancillary services for frequency and voltage control and other system needs (grid codes).
- System planning issues in newly industrialised and developing countries including metropolitan areas.
Asset management
- Asset management strategies applied across a range of power system assets for the definition of optimal policies using e.g. total life cycle cost of ownership.
Business management
- Impact on system development of new solutions and technologies in fields such as generation, demand side management (DSM), energy storage, “smart” and evolving distribution systems.
- The impact of pricing and tariff methods for transmission services on system development and project priorities in the context of market design and grid ownership structures.
Interconnections – horizontal, vertical
- Planning issues related to long distance transmission and international interconnections.
- Interface and allocation issues in transmission and distribution planning, and delivery of multi-party/cross-jurisdiction projects.
10:00 – 10:05 –Welcome from C1 UK regular member – Dr Charlotte Higgins, CIGRE UK C1 Regular Member (Arup)
10:05 – 10:35 –Technical Presentations (15 mins Each)
Rethinking resilience for a Net-Zero future– Dr Graeme Hawker (University of Strathclyde)
Offshore Coordination Project Update– Alice Etheridge (National Grid ESO)
10:35 – 11:05 –Panel session on Net Zero and Network resilience – Facilitator: Dr Charlotte Higgins (Arup) Panellists: Dr Bless Kuri (Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission), Dr Laura Kane (Smarter Grid Solutions), Dr Graeme Hawker (University of Strathclyde), Alice Etheridge (National Grid ESO)
11:05 – 11:15 –Coffee break
11:15 – 12:15 – C1 technical working group updates
C1/C6.37 Optimal Transmission and Distribution Investment Decisions under Increasing Energy Scenario Uncertainty – Dr Geev Mokryani (University of Bradford)
C1.40 Planning Co-ordination between System Operators, Transmitters and Distributors – Dr Laura Kane (Smarter Grid Solutions)
C1.41 Closing the gap in understanding between stakeholders and electrical energy specialists – Dr Sami Abdelrahman (National Grid ESO)
C1/C6.42 Planning tools and methods for systems facing high levels of distributed energy resources – Dr Charlotte Higgins (Arup)
C6/C1.33 Multi-energy system interactions in distribution grid – Dr Eduardo Martinez- Cesena (University of Manchester)
C1.45 Harmonised metrics and consistent methodology for benefits assessment in CBA of electric interconnection project – Ninad Lale (European Bank for Reconstruction & Development), Rohit Trivedi (International Energy Research Centre)
C4.47 Power System Resilience – Dr Mathaios Panteli (University of Cyprus)
C1/C4.46Optimising power system resilience in future grid design – Dr Mathaios Panteli (University of Cyprus)
C1.47 Energy Sectors Integration and impact on power grids – Polly Osborne (Burns McDonnell)
C1.48 Role of green hydrogen in energy transition – Opportunities and challenges from technical and economic perspectives – Callum Dell (WSP)
12:15 -12:25 –C1 study committee updates – Dr Charlotte Higgins (Arup)
12:25 – 12:35 –Coffee break
12:35 – 12:55 – Selected C1 technical papers from Paris 2020 E-Session
A Whole Energy System Study – The Glasgow Energy Operator – Dr Graeme Hawker (University of Strathclyde)
Whole System Coordination in Network Planning– Dr Charlotte Higgins (Arup)
The impact of Reduced System Inertia on System Planning and HVDC Interconnection– Dr Waqquas Bukhsh (University of Strathclyde)
12:55 -13:00 – Proposals for future C1 activities– Dr Charlotte Higgins (Arup)
13:00 – 13:05 – Closing Remarks