Uniting Academia and Industry for Net Zero Ambitions: Presentations & Videos

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  • 30th October 2024

CIGRE UK Women in Energy is committed to advancing knowledge within the energy sector, fostering professional connections, and championing diversity within our community. We were thrilled to organise this event, open to all, for the purpose of exploring the role of collaboration between academia and industry in achieving Net Zero targets. This event was kindly hosted by King’s College at its London Strand Campus on Tuesday October 29th, 2024.




09:30 | Arrival & Tea/Coffee Reception

10:00 | Welcome & Introduction – Biljana Stojkovska, Chair CIGRE UK Women in Energy

10:15 | Expert Panel Session 1. The day commenced with a panel discussion featuring representatives from the Net Zero Centre at King’s College London, PSC Consulting, and CIGRE. The panel focused on the vision for Net Zero and how different organisations can work together to achieve it.

– Academic perspective: Barbara Shollock – King’s College London

– Industry perspective: Kah-Leong Koo – PSC Consulting

– CIGRE perspective: Dechao Kong – CIGRE B4 & SSE

Comfort Break

11:10 | Morning Presentations. The second session of the morning included three presentations on current projects involving collaboration between academia and industry, followed by a panel session.  Click on the presentation titles to view/download the presentations.

– Xiaowei Zhao – AI based modelling, digital twin and control of wind farms

To view a video of this presentation click here

– Yue Zhou – Collaboration for the decarbonisation of Steelmaking in the net zero transmission

 To view a video of this presentation click here

– Tinashe Chikohora – Net Zero Innovation at National Grid Electricity Transmission

To view a video of this presentation click here

– Panel session

12:30 | Networking Lunch

13:30 | Afternoon Workshop. After lunch, attendees will participate in a workshop aimed at exploring pathways into the future of energy. The workshop will provide an opportunity for interactive discussions and brainstorming. Click on the presentation titles to view/download the presentation.

– Rob Nickerson – Future pathways

To view a video of this presentation click here

The energy system is critical to almost all aspects of our daily lives and fundamental to decarbonising the economy. The way we use, store and source energy is significantly changing. As an independent, impartial voice the National Energy System Operator (NESO) will take a whole system approach to planning and operating this increasing complex system. This means we need to consider the interactions across electricity, gas and other forms of energy. Our work starts with the development of energy pathways that explore the route to decarbonisation between now and 2050. In this session, we will introduce our work on the future of energy and examine how it is used to aid system planning. We will then get you thinking about the future of energy via an interactive approach. In this we will challenge you to think about the credible minimum, maximum and most likely future outcomes for some of the key changes that will affect the energy industry.

Comfort Break

14:30 | Expert Panel Session 2: The event concluded with a panel of experienced leaders in the energy sector. They shared their personal experiences and insights on transitioning from academia to industry.

– Sabrina Mercer: Strategy Director at Siemens Energy UK

– Dr. Vandad Hamidi: Business Unit General Manager, VINCI Energies

15:15 | Wrap-up & Group Photo – Biljana Stojkovska

16:00 | End