Paris Session 2026: Call for Papers

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  • 3rd March 2025
Screenshot 2025-02-10 at 23.01.49


Although August 2026 may seem a long way away it is now time to start preparing your synopsis for any paper that you wish to submit for the 2026 Session. You will find the Call for Papers, the template for preparing your synopsis and instructions on how to complete the template by clicking on the following link: Session 2026 Submission.

We will be working to the dates given in the Call for Papers so your synopsis must be submitted by 7th July 2025. The Session Papers Committee will give you any comments on your synopsis by 28th July 2025 and you must submit your revised synopsis by 18th August 2025 to enable it to be uploaded to the ConfTool by 25th August. You will be advised of acceptance or rejection of your synopsis by 20th October 2025. At that time, we will explain the process for the final papers to the accepted authors. Please ensure that you comply with the deadlines given above. Your synopsis must be at least 500 words long and not more than two pages. It should address one, and only one, of the Preferential subjects for one of the Study Committees. Please use the Word template and follow the instructions completely and accurately. When you have completed your synopsis please send it as both a “Word” file and a pdf file to me and give it a filename as follows SCPSNo._Lead Authors surname-TitleFor exampleB3PS2_Finn-Upgrading substations to adapt to change in network use

The lead author must either be an Individual Member of CIGRE UK or be employed by a Collective Member of CIGRE UK. Please ensure that the email addresses of ALL authors are included in the synopsis and confirm that the lead author or one of the other authors will register for and attend the Session if the paper is accepted. There is no longer any limit to the number of papers that the UK National Committee can submit, so if you have something interesting to say on one of the preferential subjects then please get scribing. We will of course be reviewing them to ensure the quality of the content, the compliance with the preferential subject, practical application, clarity and that there is no commercial advertising contained within it.

We look forward to a lot of interesting, high-quality synopses being submitted from the UK!

John Finn
CIGRE UK Secretary
