Recruiting for CIGRE-UK Technical Panels:
16 Technical Panels (TPs) are being set up in the UK which will be chaired by the UK Regular Members. The Terms of Reference for the TPs were approved by the CIGRE-UK Executive in June and can be found here. Following a successful 6 month trial of the B5 TP, we will be setting up the remaining Technical Panels in a staged roll out, starting initially with A2, B4, C1, C4 & C6.
The proposed structure for the TPs is given below. At the moment we are particularly interested in recruiting for the Webmaster & Event Co-ordinator (W&EC) and the Technical Panel Secretary roles. The key responsibilities can be found below.
The Technical Secretary role is open to all CIGRE-UK & NGN members and the W&EC role is open to just NGN members. Appointments are at the discretion of the UK RM & please note some applications have already been accepted following our earlier communication last year.
The structure of each Technical Panel is recommended to include the following members as a minimum:
- Chairman
- Secretary
- Webmaster & Event Coordinator (W&EC)
- Members of the Working Groups, one active UK member of each WG
- One member representing each of the following sectors: Academia, TSOs, DNOs, OEMs, Consultancies, Contractors
If you are interested in joining the A2, B4, B5, C1, C4 or C6 technical panels:
- If you are an NGN member please click here
- If you are a ‘senior’ CIGRE-UK member please contact the Regular Member (RM) directly by clicking here: David Walker – A2, Carl Barker – B4, Ray Zhang – B5, John Wilson – C1, Leong Koo – C4, Samuel Jupe – C6
Responsibilities of the Webmaster & Event Co-ordinator (W&EC):
- Set up, administer and keep up to date the Technical Panel (TP) space on the KMS (Knowledge Management System) in order to facilitate communication within the TP
- With the support of the TP Chairman and Secretary, organise technical events for the TP
- As directed by the TP chairman, prepare communications relating to the TP to be published in the CIGRE-UK Newsletter.
- Ensure any information relating to the TP is kept up-to-date on the CIGRE-UK website
The W&EC may also perform additional tasks to support the TP Chairman and Secretary, but this shall be based upon the individual’s preferences and/or to meet their personal development needs.
Responsibilities of the Technical Panel Secretary:
- Support the TP Chairman, as required
- Take notes/minutes at TP meetings
- Set up teleconferences/face-to-face TP meetings
- Support the W&EC in organisation of additional Technical events, as required.
- Support the W&EC with the KMS system and communications, as required.