Request for Submission of Synopses – Paris Session 2022 Papers

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  • 1st June 2021


The call for papers for the CIGRE Paris Session 2022 is now open.

The first step in this process is for prospective authors to submit a synopsis for review by the CIGRE UK Session Paper Committee by no later than 4th April 2021. Please note that the deadline dates for the UK are earlier than the published dates on the CIGRE Paris website to allow for review by the CIGRE UK Session Paper Committee.

As the process for the preparation of CIGRE papers is quite complicated and very prescriptive, a PowerPoint presentation which takes you through the whole process has been produced. It is important that you read through this before preparing your synopsis. Within the presentation are links to the Preferential Subjects for 2022 and also a link to the sample pages which must be used for the preparation of the synopses.

You can download this presentation by clicking on the CLICK HERE button below. Please do not wait until the deadline date to send through your synopses.

If anything is not clear, after having read through the presentation, please feel free to contact the CIGRE UK Secretary by email or phone to clarify any queries that you may have.

Screenshot 2020-06-08 at 15.44.47

John Finn
CIGRE UK Secretary
Engineering Consultant
Tel: 07584639414