About this Event
The purpose of the meeting is to provide a high-level overview of the ongoing activities in CIGRE related to Study Committees B4 (DC Systems & Power Electronics) led by UK Regular Member Dechao Kong. Technical Brochures published in the last year will be highlighted, along with a status update on all of the active Working Groups where the UK has an interest. You will also hear about the latest new work items approved by the Study Committees during the Paris e-session, and to provide feedback on possible future work items that could be proposed in the future.
B4 Study Committee Mission, Technology & Scope
To facilitate and promote the progress of engineering and the international exchange of information and knowledge in the field of DC and power electronics. To add value to this information and knowledge by means of synthesizing state-of-the-art practices and developing recommendations.
Technological field of activity
Direct Current equipment and systems including converter technology and semi-conductor devices.
Power electronics for AC systems and power quality improvement, advanced power electronics and applications.
Within its technical field of activity, Study Committee B4 addresses topics throughout the asset management life-cycle phases; from conception, through research, development, design, production, deployment, operation, and end-of life. At all stages, technical, safety, economic, environmental and social aspects are addressed as well as interactions with, and integration into, the evolving power system and the environment. All aspects of performance, specification, testing and the application of testing techniques are within scope, with a specific focus on the impact of changing interactions and demands due to evolution of the power system. Life cycle assessment techniques, risk management techniques, education and training are also important aspects.
Within this framework additional specific areas of attention include:
- Theory, principles and concepts, functionality, technological development, design, performance and application of materials, efficiency.
- Manufacturing, quality assurance, application guidance, planning, routing and location, construction, erection, installation.
- Reliability, availability, dependability, maintainability and maintenance, service, condition monitoring, diagnostics, restoration, repair, loading, upgrading, uprating.
- Refurbishment, re-use/re-deployment, deterioration, dismantling, disposal.
10:00 – 10:35 – Welcome from the UK Regular Member, Introduction to CIGRE B4 SC – Brief Overview , Updates since CIGRE Paris E-session, 2020 (Part 1) | Dechao Kong, UK Regular Member, CIGRE B4, National Grid ESO
10:35 – 11:15 –Voltage Source Converters (VSC) HVDC Responses to Disturbances and Faults in AC Systems Which Have Low Synchronous Generation | Carl Barker, WG B4.87 Convenor, GE Grid Solutions11:15 – 11:30 – Break
11:30 – 11:45– Condition Health Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance of HVDC Converter Stations |Harry Evans, NGN, WG B4.89 Member , GHD11:45 – 12:00 – Operation and Maintenance of HVDC and FACTS Facilities |Mingyun Sun, NGN, WG B4.90 Member, National Grid Electricity Transmission
12:00 – 12:45 – Flexible LCC-HVDC Technology | Ying Xue, CIGRE UK NGN Chair, University of Birmingham
12:45 – 13:15– Break
13:15 – 13:55– DC-DC Converters in HVDC Grids and for Connections to HVDC Systems | Dragan Jovcic, WG B4.76 Convenor, University of Aberdeen
13:55 – 14:30 –Medium Voltage DC Distribution Systems | James Yu, JWG C6/B4.37 Convenor; UK Additional RM, CIGRE B4, SP Energy Networks14:30 – 14:40 – Break
14:40 – 15:00– Updates since CIGRE Paris E-session, 2020 (Part 2)| Dechao Kong
15:00 – 15:40– DC Side Harmonics and Filtering in HVDC Transmission Systems |Nigel Shore, WG B4.68 Convenor , Hitachi ABB Power Grids
15:40 – 16:00– Closing Remarks, Future B4 Event Updates, AoB |Dechao Kong
Q&A will follow after each presentation
Dechao Kong is the elected UK Regular Member of CIGRE B4 Study Committee since August 2020. He is currently a Power System Engineer and the Subject-Matter Expert in DC Systems and Power Electronics in National Grid ESO, UK.
Dechao has been getting heavily involved in the UK’s academia and industry for DC systems and Power Electronics since 2008, contributing his such subject-matter expertise in technical strategy & policy development, new technology & innovation, engineering and asset management.
Dechao obtained his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Birmingham, UK. He is a Chartered Engineer and an IET member in the UK. He is also an active member with multiple roles in several CIGRE SC B4 & B5 Working Groups.
Carl Barkerholds a B.Eng. from Staffordshire Polytechnic and a M.Sc. from Bath University in the UK. He joined GE’s Grid Solutions in Stafford, UK in 1989, initially working on the design and development of individual HVDC and SVC projects then becoming System Design Manager, responsible for all technical aspects of HVDC projects. He is, at present, a Consulting Engineer within the business providing technical support across many activities.
Carl is a Chartered Engineer in the UK and a member of the IET (UK), a Senior Member of the IEEE, a distinguished Member of CIGRE B4, a visiting lecturer at Birmingham University and an honorary visiting professor at Cardiff University.
Harry Evansis consultant electrical engineer working within GHD’s Energy team. During his time at the company, he has worked on a range of projects covering; Asset management and replacement of major plant and cable systems; power systems modelling of generation connections; co-authoring a review into emerging transmission technologies; and SMART grid design of distribution networks. His other experience includes being recently selected as one of the winners of the CIGRE NGN Young Member (YM) Presentation Showcase and a continuing role as a contributing member to CIGRE WG B4.89.
Mingyu Sunis currently working as an Innovation Engineer with National Grid Electricity Transmission, UK, developing and managing several innovation projects across power electronics related monitoring and maintenance, system monitoring and condition monitoring topics.
Mingyu hold a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Manchester. He is an NGN member of CIGRE and actively participates in WG B4.90. In addition to his activities in CIGRE, he is a Member of the IEEE and IET and has served as reviewers for a number of international scientific journals.
Ying Xue received his B.Eng degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China and the University of Birmingham in the UK, and his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Birmingham, UK.
He is currently the chair of CIGRE UK NGN and an Assistant Professor in Electrical Power Networks in the University of Birmingham. He has a strong research interest in HVDC technologies.
Dragan Jovcicobtained a Diploma Engineer degree in Control Engineering from the University of Belgrade, Serbia in 1993 and a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Auckland, New Zealand in 1999. Since 2000 he has been an academic in UK, and currently he is a professorwith the University of Aberdeen. In 2008 he held a visiting professor post at McGill University, Canada.
Prof. Jovcic is a fellow of IEEE and IEEE PES Distinguished Lecturer. He is editor of IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, IEEE access and IEEE PES letters. He is a fellow of IET and Chartered Engineer in UK.
Prof. Jovcic is a member of CIGRE, chairman of WG B4.76 and has been member of 4 other working groups. He is founder and director of Aberdeen HVDC research centre where he has managed externally funded research projects of around £4 million. Prof Jovcic has over 120 publications and he is author of a book on HVDC: “High Voltage Direct Current Transmission: Converters, Systems and DC Grids”, Wiley, 2015.
James Yu (MBE PhD CEng FIET)is a Chartered Engineer, an elected IET (Institute of Engineering and Technology) Fellow and a Royal Engineering Academy Visiting Professor. He is the convenor of CIGRE JWG C6/B4.37. James is also the deputy UK Regular Member of CIGRE B4 SC.
James joined the UK electricity transmission/distribution industry after he finished his studies from Newcastle upon Tyne. He has taken various technical, commercial and managerial roles in the industry. James is currently accountable for the innovation projects delivery at SP Energy Networks. His team are working on flagship innovation projects at national and European levels, and pushing the innovation into business.
James is passionate about education and fully aware of its profound impact on young people’s future. James has strong commitment in the engineering higher education in the UK. He is a Ph.D. Supervisor and visiting professor at various institutes, including Glasgow University, University of Newcastle upon Tyne and the University of Manchester. James published over 50 academic papers covering electricity market, transmission network control, renewable generation and engineering education.
NigelShoregraduated from the University of Edinburgh in 1973, then completed his Ph.D. at Imperial College, London, in 1976. After several years with UK consultants as a power system analyst, he moved to Brazil to work on the Itaipu HVDC project, first for Promon Engenharia then ASEA. His positions included main circuit design, control group manager, site commissioning manager and system test co-ordinator.
From 1986-1989 Dr. Shore was a design engineer in ASEA/ABB Sweden, engaged on harmonic analysis and filter design. In 1989, he relocated to England to work remotely for ABB HVDC in Ludvika. Since then he has been responsible for harmonic studies and filter design in very many of ABB’s HVDC projects and tenders, along with developing software tools and design methodologies, and mentoring. He is at present a consultant for Hitachi ABB Power Grids.
Dr. Shore has been active in IEEE and IEC, and within CIGRE he has participated in eight completed Working Groups, four of which as Convenor, and is the Convenor of the new WG C4.63 on harmonic standards. He received the CIGRE Technical Committee Award in 2014. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, a Member of the IET and a Distinguished Member of CIGRE.