The annual Cigre B1/D1 UK Technical Liaison meeting, kindly hosted by the University of Southampton and sponsored by PSC Consulting, was held as a Hybrid Meeting on Tuesday November 15th 2022. The purpose of the meeting was to provide a high level overview of the ongoing activities in CIGRE related to Insulated Cables. Technical Brochures published in the last year were highlighted, along with a status update on all of the active B1 Working Groups where the UK has an interest. A reminder was shared about the latest new work items approved by the B1 Study Committee during the Paris e-session, and an opportunity to provide feedback on possible work items that could be proposed by the UK in the future. In addition to information about the latest work within B1, the meeting was joined by the UK Regular Member for D1 who provided a summary of activities relevant to the B1 audience. The event was held as a Hybrid meeting. There was an opportunity for those attending virtually to submit questions to the presenters during the meeting.
A link to the presentation material can be found at this link (CIGRE UK Google Drive):
09:30 Arrival & Coffee
10:00 Welcome from UK Regular Member (James Pilgrim, Orsted)
10:10 Introduction to Study Committee B1
10:20 Overview of Technical Brochures published in 2020
10:30 Working Group status updates
11:45 New TF/WG approved by the B1 Study Committee
12:15 Lunch Break
13:00 Introduction to Study Committee D1 (Thomas Andritsch, University of Southampton)
13:10 Review of status of relevant D1 Working Groups
13:45 Proposals for future B1 and D1 activities
14:00 Close
Regular Members:
James Pilgrim – CIGRE B1 UK Regular Member
James is currently Senior Lead Cable Specialist for Orsted, working across both inter-array and export cable circuits for wind farm projects around the world. Prior to joining Orsted, he worked in cable system R&D for 13 years at the Tony Davies High Voltage Laboratory at the University of Southampton, beginning with his PhD studies in 2007. He has been active in B1 working groups for some years, contributing to B1.35, B1.50, B1.56, B1.64 and B1.72 working groups. He is the Convenor of B1.87 Finite Element Analysis for Cable Ratings. In addition to his activities in CIGRE, he is a Senior Member of the IEEE and has served as a Guest Editor for IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. He also represents the UK in IEC TC20 WG19.
Thomas Andritsch – CIGRE D1 UK Regular Member
Thomas is currently an Associate Professor in the Electrical Power Engineering research group at the University of Southampton, which he joined in 2013, and part of the management team of the Tony Davies High Voltage Laboratory. Prior he worked at the HV laboratory at Delft University of Technology, where he completed his PhD in 2010. His research focus is on new and emergent insulation materials and their potential use in HV engineering. He has been active in CIGRE working group D1.40, and currently contributing to D1.73 and B1/D1.75. He is also a Senior Member of the IEEE, elected member of the Administrative Committee of the IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society since 2019, and serves as Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation.
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