


The aim of the United Kingdom National Committee (CIGRE UK) is to further the interests of the CIGRE in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.  It is recognised by the Administrative Council of CIGRE as a National Committee under Article 16 of the CIGRE Statutes.

Our strategic themes and intent are:

Influence and Contribute

  • Provide key information to executives and engineers for influence and awareness.
  • To be the independent technical reference organisation for power systems “end-to-end”

Vibrant and Inclusive

  • Excellent CIGRE UK services and activities to enable growth and membership participation.

People and Skills of the Future

  • Increase participation, skills and diversity of our growing membership for the wider benefit of members and society
  • Enhance our relevance in addressing the electric power systems of the future across the globe.
  • To foster engagement, networking and knowledge sharing in the end-to-end power systems sector, in the UK and internationally.

The Electricity Future

  • Understand and influence the development of new technology and practices.
  • Provide independent information to inform society and other sectors as we transition to a decarbonised future.