CIGRE UK General Meeting | AGM Presentations/Minutes/Awards & Technical Presentations

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  • 27th November 2022


Members (Individual and Collective) of CIGRE UK joined our General Meeting Day on Tuesday 22nd November with took place at the IET Austin Court Birmingham, and was followed by a series of Technical Sessions provided by our Study Committee Regular Members and colleagues.


The NGN (Next Generation Network) held its section AGM and the CIGRE UK Executive Team met ahead of the main AGM (by invitation).  All the meetings were free to attend. Members were encouraged to attend in person but for those that could not do so, the general meetings and technical sessions were broadcast via WebEx.  The technical material can be below (just click on the presentation title).  Following the meetings a number of colleagues joined a Networking Dinner which took place at The Bank Bar & Grill restaurant.  The Dinner was kindly sponsored by Jupiter Intelligence.

AGM Presentation & Draft Minutes 


CIGRE UK AGM 2022 Minutes_draft

CIGRE-UK AGM 2022 presentation



Distinguished Member Awards


A highlight of the AGM was six well deserved Distinguished Member Awards, nominated by CIGRE UK, awarded by CIGRE and presented by CIGRE UK Chair, Mark Waldron.

The recipients that were able to attend the AGM were Simon Ryder (top left),Leslie Falkingham (bottom left), Simon Neve (centre), Alan Wilson (top right) and Elizabeth MacKenzie (bottom left).  For more information about the recipients click here.

DM Awards 2022


Annual Technical Committee Report

To read the report click on this link: CIGRE UK Technical Committee Annual Report 2022


Members that joined the post event dinner

