A2/D1 Technical Liaison Meeting
University of Manchester | Tuesday 9th January 2024 | 10:30 – 15:00
About this event
The purpose of the meeting was to provide an overview of the ongoing activities in CIGRE related to Study Committees A2 (Power Transformers & Reactors) led by UK Regular Members, Zhongdong Wang & Elizabeth Mackenzie, and D1 as relating to Transformers (Materials and emerging Test Techniques) led by UK Regular Member, Thomas Andritsch. Technical Brochures published in the last year highlighted, status updates on the active Working Groups where the UK has an interest and feedback from the recent A2 Colloquium. There was also an update on IEC TC14/TC 10 standards activities.
Click on this link to review the presentation pack: CIGRE UK A2 & D1 – Consolidated Presentations
Outline Agenda
10:30 – 11:00
- Registration and Tea/Coffee
11:00 – 11:10
- Welcome and Introduction to SC A2
11:10 – 12:30
- A2 Technical Activities
- Working Group Status Updates
- Technical Brochures Published in 2023
- New Working Groups
- Feedback from Colloquium
12:30 – 13:00
- D1 Relevant Technical Activities
13:00 – 14:00
- Networking Lunch
14:00 – 14:30
- IEC TC14/TC10 Standards Activities
14:30 – 15:00
- Discussion – Papers for 2024 Paris Session
- End of Meeting: Tea/Coffee/Networking
A2 Study Committee Mission, Technology & Scope
To facilitate and promote the progress of engineering and the international exchange of information and knowledge in the field of transformers and reactors. To add value to this information and knowledge by means of synthesizing state-of-the-art practices and developing recommendations.
Technological field of activity
- Power transformers including industrial, DC converter and phase-shifting transformers
- Reactors including shunt, series, saturated and, smoothing
- Transformer components including bushings, tap changers and accessories
Within its technical field of activity, Study Committee A2 addresses topics throughout the asset management life-cycle phases; from conception, through research, development, design, production, deployment, operation, and end-of life. At all stages, technical, safety, economic, environmental and social aspects are addressed as well as interactions with, and integration into, the evolving power system and the environment. All aspects of performance, specification, testing and the application of testing techniques are within scope, with a specific focus on the impact of changing interactions and demands due to the evolution of the power system. Life cycle assessment techniques, risk management techniques, education and training are also important aspects.
Within this framework additional specific areas of attention include:
- Theory, principles and concepts, functionality, technological development, design, performance and application of materials, efficiency.
- Manufacturing, quality assurance, application guidance, planning, routing and location, construction, erection, installation.
- Reliability, availability, dependability, maintainability and maintenance, service, condition monitoring, diagnostics, restoration, repair, loading, upgrading, uprating.
- Refurbishment, re-use/re-deployment, deterioration, dismantling, disposal.
D1 Study Committee Mission & Scope
To facilitate and promote the progress of engineering and the international exchange of information and knowledge in the field of materials and emerging test techniques. To add value to this information and knowledge by means of synthesizing state-of-the-art practices and developing recommendations.
The activities of Study Committee D1 concern the evaluation and monitoring of:
- Fundamental aspects of new and existing materials for electro-technology (conducting and insulating materials for electrical use)
- Multi-component insulating arrangements with one or more electrical insulating materials used in conjunction with associated conducting parts
- Diagnostic techniques and related knowledge rules
- Emerging test techniques.
- Provision of timely information on new developments and trends in the field of materials and emerging test techniques to other Study Committees and support for their analysis of the introduction and application of these materials and techniques.