CIGRE UK NGN Young Members Showcase : finalists presentations and judging
Friday 5th February 2021 | 10:00 – 13:15
Online event – Free to attend
About this Event
The CIGRE UK NGN Young Member presentation competition provides an opportunity for early career electrical engineers to showcase their work to the wider CIGRE community. A panel of senior CIGRE members will judge which participants will be put forward to present at the 2021 CIGRE Centennial Session.
Delegates will gain insight into the exciting projects that the next generation of electrical engineers are working on and will have the opportunity to ask questions during the Q&A to find out more. As a delegate, you may also learn a thing or two about what makes presentations engaging and how to best adapt to the online format. So come along and show your support!
10:00 – 10:05 Introduction – overview of CIGRE and NGN
10:05 – 10:10 Introduction – contestants and assessors
10:10 – 10:30 “Planning extreme weather resilient urban energy systems” – Rui Jing
10:30 – 10:50 “Active distribution network planning with distributed renewable energy resources considering contingency analysis” – Bilal Amjad
10:50 – 11:10 “Accurate prediction of transformer residual life” – Caleb Walker
11:10 – 11:20 Short intermission
11:20 – 11:40 “Boston spa energy efficiency trial (BEET)” – Harry Evans
11:40 – 12:00 “IoT-based demand side management of a renewable energy powered smart microgrid” – Mohamed Ahmed Numair
12:00 – 12:20 “A T-type modular multilevel converter (T-MMC) to improve system security” – Shuren Wang
12:20 – 12:40 “Three-phase OPF based demand response for managing unbalanced voltage under high renewable energy scenarios” – Jiabin Fan
12:40 – 13:00 Intermission / Final Assessment
13:00 – 13:15 Announcement of Winners and Closing
To Register for this event
Diptargha Chakravorty
Dr Diptargha Chakravorty is a Principal Consultant with TNEI Services. He is an electrical engineer with over 8 years of experience in the power industry, including a 4-year Ph.D. on system stability from Imperial College London. He is involved in several innovation projects in the UK and abroad and maintains a close collaboration with Imperial College. He takes an active interest in Cigre activities and is currently a member of C4.41 and B4.92 working groups.
Qiteng Hong
Dr Qiteng Hong is presently a Chancellor’s Fellow (Lecturer) in the at the University of Strathclyde in the UK. His research focus is on novel solutions for protection and control of future power systems with high penetrations of renewable energy sources. Dr Hong received his BEng (Hons) degree in EEE from Strathclyde and was the top graduate of the year in 2011. He received his PhD on power system protection also from Strathclyde in 2015. Dr Hong is a Regular Member in the CIGRE Working Group (WG) B5.50 and a member of IEEE WG P2004; he was the Technical Lead at the CIGRE UK Next Generation Network between 2016-2020 and occupied the position of Honorary Secretary for the IET Scotland South West Committee until 2018; he was also the main founder and led the Global Young Member Showcase in CIGRE Paris Sessions in 2016 and 2018.
John Wright
Since graduating from Staffordshire University with an Honours Degree in Electrical Engineering I have worked in the Protection and Control Industry for nearly 30 years. I`m a Chartered Engineer and an IET & GE Fellow
During this period I have held positions such as, Principal Technical Applications and Commissioning Engineer supporting a global customer base, Business Development and Innovation Manager, Engineering & Service Manager, Commercial Key Account Manager and EHS Technical Safety Advisor.
I`m presently Regional Leader for Technical Applications Engineering and Product Growth for GE Grid Automation Business – for Europe, SSA and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Countries.
I have been involved in Cigre for over 15 years; at a technical working group level, supporting the UK Executive Committee, B5 Technical Panel Secretary and Special Reporter for Paris Session. I`m currently regular member for B5 in the UK and Chair of the UK B5 Technical Panel.
Konstantinos Kopsidas
Dr Konstantinos Kopsidas (MIET, CEng, SMIEE, FHEA) is a Senior Lecturer in Electrical Power Engineering and the Director of the MSc in Electrical Power Systems Engineering in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at The University of Manchester, UK. His research focuses on electrical power network component design aspects and operation strategies to improve networks’ resilience and flexibility. He is expert in the area of overhead lines and underground cables design modelling and reliability/security assessments and he is/has been actively involved with on several EPSRC, EU and industrial projects. He was/is the convener of CIGRE WG C4.25, member of the IEEE EMF Grid Codes TaskForce, and newly formed IEEE Metrics for Resilience TaskForce, a consultant for several national and international activities (UKPN, Mott Macdonald, Balfour Beatty, CEATI) and a member of advisory boards of EU projects (Grid4EU), Quality assurance organisations (H.Q.A.A.) and industry (ECOFYS). Dr Kopsidas has published more than 50 research papers and reports and has been delivering CPD courses and technical seminars in the area of overhead line design and modelling, and reliability assessments in industry and academia.
Rui Jing – Planning Extreme Weather Resilient Urban Energy Systems
Bio: Dr. Rui Jing is a Research Associate in Cardiff University working with Prof. Nick Jenkins and Prof. Jianzhong Wu. His research focuses on multi-energy system modelling, urban energy transition, climate resilience energy systems, and energy-related nexus research. He got a Ph.D. from Xiamen University, China in 2019. He also has visiting experience in Imperial College London (2018-2019), research experience in the Chinese Academy of Science (2019-2020), and industry experience in energy auditing consultancy (2013-2015). So far, he has more than 20 journal publications, and the H-index is 11. He is also active in academic activities, e.g. acting as session chair for international conferences and serving as reviewers for more than 10 journals. He was recognized for several best paper awards and several outstanding reviewer awards.
Synopsis: Global climate change leads to more frequent and intense extreme weather events, such as typhoons, heatwaves, and rainstorms, which has posed serious risks for urban energy systems. Without preparation for such risks, the city administrators can only hope the next extreme weather event would not trigger a sudden blackout. Therefore, we propose an original planning model to design a ‘climate-resilient’ urban energy system and bridge the gap of addressing extreme weathers during energy system planning. The case study reveals that by investing an acceptable extra 3-5% could help design a ‘climate-resilient’ urban energy system.
Bilal Amjad – Active Distribution Network Planning with distributed Renewable Energy Resources Considering Contingency Analysis
Bio: Mr Bilal Amjad is a postgraduate researcher at the University of Huddersfield, UK. His main research area is renewable energy resources, power systems, smart grids and data analytics. He has completed MSc in Smart Grids and Energy Systems, with Distinction Award, from the University of Bradford. As a part of MSc programme, he worked on a research project, called Pi – CREST (Planning, integration and Control of mini-grids with Renewables and Energy STorage), funded by Innovate UK withthe collaboration of the University of Bradford, Bayero University, Kano, Nortech Management Ltd, and Renewable Energy Agency, Africa. In this project, he worked on the planning of an active distribution network with high penetration of renewables and contingency analysis. Before his masters, he worked as a trainee lab engineer at the University of Gujrat.
Mr Bilal is a member of the UN Major Group for Children and Youth (UN MGCY), European Energy Centre (EEC),IEEE, IET, CIGRE UK NGN. He is also involved in many voluntary activities. Currently, he is engaged with Digital4Foundation as an Event Manager Assistant to organise World Digital Weeks 2021 which includes 5 Continental Digital Weeks (each week includes 15 specialized conferences related to different professional areas), European e-Commerce and Digital Marketing Week and Bulgarian Digital Week. He is also a member of SDG7 Youth Constituency and involved in SDG7 Africa Advocacy and Capacity Building Project organised by our Regional Focal Points for Africa.
Synopsis: This research work is part of Pi-CREST (Planning, integration and Control of mini-grids with Renewables and Energy Storage) project, funded by Innovate UK with the collaboration of the University of Bradford, Bayero University, Kano, Nortech Management Ltd, and Renewable Energy Agency, Africa. The project aims to enable access to cleaner, low cost and sustainable energy to unserved and underserved regions across sub-Saharan Africa, starting with Nigeria.
The main contributions are this work are:
- Study the integration and operation of RERs and their impact on the electrical distribution network and investigate different ANM schemes and network planning techniques.
- Implement and analyse network planning problem on a particular distribution network, with ANM and without ANM, considering different scenarios.
- Analyse network security under N-1 line contingency for all scenarios under the whole planning period.
Caleb Walker – Accurate Prediction of Transformer Residual Life
Bio: Having graduated from Glasgow Caledonian University with a First BEng in Electrical Power Engineering in 2020, I am currently employed as a graduate engineer with SP Energy Networks.
Synopsis: The ageing process of power transformers is a complex mechanism, which means condition and health assessment of these critical assets is a challenging task. While transformers are in-service, obtaining insulating paper samples from the windings for direct analysis cannot easily be achieved, meaning the only practical way of assessing the state of degradation of the paper insulation is through prediction models. A new prediction method is currently being developed using Post-Mortem reports to give a more accurate estimate of the remaining useful life of transformers compared to existing methods, thus avoiding costly interventions or replacement of these high value assets.
Harry Evans – Boston Spa Energy Efficiency Trial (BEET)
Bio: Harry is a consultant electrical engineer working within GHD’s Energy team. During his time at the company, he has worked on a range of projects covering: SMART grid design of distribution networks; power systems modelling of generation connections; and he has co-authored a review into emerging transmission technologies. Harry has gained experience outside of his role at GHD in the development of fault level calculation code for application in offshore wind farm design software, and a continuing role as a contributing member to CIGRE WG B4.89.
Synopsis: What if a relatively small change at a substation level could reduce the regions carbon emissions and shrink customer bills? NPGs voltage optimisation trial in the town of Boston Spa is hoping to achieve just that. This presentation covers the initial stages of the project, which investigated static optimisation of substation voltages, and how customer smart meter data can be used to monitor and control the network more efficiently.
Mohamed Ahmed Numair – IoT-based Demand Side Management of a Renewable Energy Powered Smart Microgrid
Bio: Mohamed Numair received his B.Sc. in Electrical Power Engineering from Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt, in 2019. He is currently pursuing his M.Sc. thesis in the demand side management of smart grids using the Internet of Things (IoT). He has just completed some modules from MSc Smart Grids and Energy Systems, University of Bradford, UK, as an Erasmus exchange student. He is also currently working as a research assistant at the high voltage and superconductivity laboratory, Tanta University. Where he is building an Internet of Things Innovation laboratory. His research interests include Smart Grids, Renewable Energy, Internet of Things (IoT) and Energy Management.
Synopsis: For the past few decades we have noticed global efforts into a green and sustainable energy system. Examples of these efforts are increasing the renewable generation share of the total generation and increasing the efficiency of the power system and its equipment. But both of those solutions always faced a limitation like hosting capacity (HC) which represents the limit at which the current power system can accept renewable generation. Also the aging power systems equipment always stood as a hindrance in front of a sustainable grid. That’s why climate change and other technical and economic issues were always ahead of these renovation efforts. In this presentation we will discuss the role of the 4thindustrial revolution and its related technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data (BD) in accelerating the renovation of the current legacy grid into the smart energy grids of the future.
Shuren Wang – A T-Type Modilar Multilevel Converter (T-MMC) to Improve System Security
Bio: Shuren Wang is a researcher of the Electronic & Electrical Engineering Department at University of Strathclyde. He received the B.Sc. (Hons.) and M.Sc. (Distinguished) degrees from Yangzhou University, China, and the Ph.D. degree from University of Strathclyde, U.K.. His current research interests include power conversion, power electronics, MVDC, HVDC, and energy storage systems.
Synopsis: Power electronic converters are enabling massive integration of renewable energy sources. Meanwhile, system security and fault resiliency are increasingly concerned. A T-Type Modular Multilevel Converter (T-MMC) using state-of-the-art power electronic technology will be presented for bulk ac-dc power conversion applications. The salient features of the proposed T-MMC include: (1) resiliency against ac and dc faults; (2) effective ac grid support; (3) high operation efficiency; (4) flexible and efficient energy storage integration; (5) uninterruptable power flow during faults with the integrated energy storage.
Jiabin Fan – Three-phase OPF Based Demand Response for Managing Unbalanced Voltage under High Renewable Energy Scenarios
Bio: Jiabin Fan received first class undergraduate degree from University of Strathclyde in electricity and electrical engineering department in 2018. He is currently working toward the PhD degree under the supervision with Dr. Ivana Kockar and he is the University John Anderson Research Award Studentship recipient. His research interests include optimal operation of distribution system, modelling DERs and local flexibility market.
Synopsis: With the increasing penetration level of renewable energy sources (RES) in distribution systems, there is an increased risk for occurrence of a three-phase voltage unbalance which could exceed security standard. This presentation introduces a method which seek to utilize the active domestic load response to provide flexibility services for distribution system operators (DSOs) which can also help balance the three-phase voltage. The analyses assume that the flexibility providers can receive economic compensation according to their contribution to their provision of flexibility services