In anticipation of the upcoming Global Young Member Showcase event in CIGRE Paris Session in August 2020, the NGN Committee of CIGRE UK hosted a presentation competition at the University of Manchester on 5th February 2020 to select UK young professional representatives for this global showcase event in Paris. This event allowed for a select group of young professionals to showcase their contributions to the latest solutions across the whole energy value chain, from generation to distribution, allowing for the opportunity to win tickets to the CIGRE Paris Session 2020 and potentially a bursary for travelling.
The abstracts submitted by the candidates were firstly assessed by the NGN steering committee and 10 candidates were invited to present their work in the presentation competition event on 5th February 2020, where they were judged by a panel of four senior CIGRE UK members, with extensive combined experience across a range of working categories in the energy sector. The CIGRE UK NGN committee is glad to announce that the four successful candidates to be nominated for attendance of the Paris Session in 2020 are:
- Victor Timmers, a graduate power system engineer at Mott MacDonald, delivered an engaging presentation focusing on the development of a zero missing phenomenon identification tool.
- Giulio Riccardi, an electrical engineer at Mott MacDonald, provided an overview of how digital engineering facilitates cable system design focusing on the Wimbledon cross site cable system project.
- Gen Li, a researcher at Cardiff University, presented a striking method for analysis and protection of valve-side single-phase-to-ground faults in HB-MMC based bipolar HVDC systems.
- Polly Osborne, an electrical power engineer at Burns & McDonald, delivered an exciting presentation outlining an innovative local energy master plan to decarbonise an industrial town, utilising a whole-system approach to energy.